More expansive botanicals

Taraxacum, reason’s for its success are its rosette of leaves keeping other vegetation from near it and its taproot will continue to produce for several years even with only a portion remaining. As a foodstuff, it goes back centuries as both food and medicine.

The above ground parts are used as natural herbal supplements and for many conditions. There is little evidence that it is effective for any condition. Taraxacum officinale contains chemicals that may increase urine production and decrease pain and swelling. Check with your health-care professional before using herbs or herbal supplements.

It is extraordinary, in this age of photography, that botanical art continues to flourish, especially as the destruction of species and habitats adds an urgency to plant identification. Throughout history, when professional artists recorded the flora discovered on expeditions, the main criteria was scientific accuracy, to depict the subject in sufficient detail to be recognised. – Francine Raymond

Campanula rotundifolia of #boundarywaters #bwca #nature #VSCOcam

Ranunculus acris (tall buttercup) a seed bearing noxious weed. #boundarywaters #nature #Minnesota #VSCOcam #bwca

Wild flowers. Campanula rotundifolia (blue) and Ranunculus acris (tall buttercup) a seed bearing noxious weed of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.

#botany #bwca #boundarywaters #VSCOcam